Monday, October 7, 2013

3 Months In!

Call Day May 1st, 2013<----Click Me

I was installed as Associate Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Harlingen, TX on July 7th 2013.  This means I have been a pastor for 3 months.  I spent years (formally 4) learning about pastoral ministry. However, things don't get real until they get real.  This first quarter of being a pastor I have learned a few things about pastoral ministry that you really can't learn in seminary or elsewhere.  I thought I might share a few things.

There is always something more to do

One of the benefits of being out of the seminary is that I no longer have to turn in things for a grade! Glorious day!  However, that does not mean that I no longer have homework.  Each day I find myself thinking, "I could have finished more."  There is always something more to do as a pastor.  At the end of the day you have just stop and say "that's enough."  Setting personal deadlines and goals can be extremely liberating; and yet at the same time requires a good amount of discipline.  This is something you can prepare for in theory, but it takes practical experience to fully see what the Lord might put on your plate.

There is joy to find in unexpected places

Besides the obvious joys of being a pastor (Baptisms, Preaching, Fellowship etc.) there are many joys to find in unexpected places!  I have found myself more than a few times smiling in true delight by some facet of parish life that I was not expecting.  Sometimes this is learning of a parishioners talents...sometimes this is somebody "swinging by my office"...sometimes this is when I learn more in Bible Study by listening to others.  Unexpected joys are everywhere in pastoral ministry.  You just have to keep your eyes open for them!

There is always support when you need it the most

Being a pastor can be a lonely road.  Sometimes usually it feels like you always have to be "on."  This way of living is draining...emotionally, spiritually draining.  I have found that there is always support just when you need it most.  It seems that a member of Christ's Body...almost never the same, will find a way to encourage you in way that you really need.  Sometimes it's as simple as a pat on the back and a friendly word.  Sometimes...when you really need...God smiles upon you and somebody might even look at you sincerely in the eye and say "I really needed to hear that."<----My absolute favorite!  God is good, and He shows you that through his people.

There will be mistakes

I have made lots of mistakes already.  I don't mean this in false humility.  I am being straight up and honest.  I have made a good amount of mistakes.  The mistakes that bother me are not when I get tongue tied during a sermon, forget to straighten the belt on my robe, begin service with dead batteries, scare the ponies at the Academy picnic, or accidentally hang up on somebody when I intend to transfer their call.  The kind of mistakes that bother me are when I forget to do something that I say I'm going to do, forget someones name, tell somebody I will visit them in the hospital on day that I have been scheduled to be out of town, or find myself being grumpy with rowdy confirmation kids.  And the things that bother...really bother me!  But whether my mistakes bother me or not, they are still unintended mistakes.  There is always a new day.  There is always a fresh start.  So, each day we live in Christ's forgiveness and daily seek to serve Him faithfully.  Thank goodness for gracious people, and a forgiving God!

These have been just a few of my thoughts as I look back on my first 3 months as a Pastor